tourist attractions

Travel guide to Izmir, Türkiye and its sights

Travel guide to Izmir, Türkiye and its sights

If you want to witness the rich and varied history of the Anatolian region in one place, you won't find a city better than Izmir. Izmir is an ancient city with a history spanning 8,000 years, changing hands between empires numerous times and[...]
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A ghost city near Fethiye, Kayakoy

A ghost city near Fethiye, Kayakoy

Delving into the past of Kayaköy, also known as Levissi, uncovers a tale from the 18th century. Greek colonists from Gemiler Island established the village to evade pirates in the vicinity. By the 1700s, the village flourished with[...]
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Essential Packing List for Your Trip to Turkey

Essential Packing List for Your Trip to Turkey

Essential Packing List for Your Trip to Turkey: What to Bring? Discover essential tips for packing efficiently and respectfully for your Turkish tours. From cultural considerations to climate variations across[...]
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Kaymakli, 카파도키아 근처 지하 생활

Kaymakli, 카파도키아 근처 지하 생활

카이막클리 지하 도시 발견 카파도키아의 가장 매혹적인 관광 명소 중 하나인 카이막클리를 알고 계신가요? 이 지하 도시는 기원전 8~7세기경 프리기아인들 이후[...]
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이스탄불 최고의 워터파크 3곳

이스탄불 최고의 워터파크 3곳

이스탄불 최고의 워터파크는 어디인가요? 모험, 재미, 그리고 테마파크를 좋아하지 않는 사람이 있을까요? 스릴 넘치는 놀이기구, 흥미진진한 게임, 끝없는[...]
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