Extra facilities

How do I know if there is parking at the property and how can I reserve it?

You can see whether or not the property has parking under "Facilities" before you make a booking. If the property requires you to reserve a space, please contact them directly with the contact details provided in your booking confirmation.



How do I find out if a property has a certain facility (e.g. a lift)?

Under ‘Facilities’ on the property page, you can see a list of all the property’s facilities, activities, and services.



How can I find out if the property offers a shuttle service and how can I book it?

If the property offers a shuttle service it will be listed under "Facilities". After you make a booking, you can arrange the airport transfer directly with the property. You can find their contact information in your booking confirmation. Please remember to have your flight details ready as they will need these to make sure the driver can find you at the airport.



Can the property store my luggage before check-in or after check-out?

If the property has luggage storage, you'll see it displayed on the property page under "Facilities". For more information about luggage storage, please reach out to the property directly using the contact details provided in your booking confirmation.

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