Hotel - Booking details

How do I get more information about the room or property's facilities?

You can find the room and property facilities in your booking confirmation.



Is it possible to get an extra bed or cot for a child?

It depends on the property's policy. Additional costs for children, including extra beds/cots, are not included in the reservation price. Please contact the property directly for this information.


How can I get an invoice?

The property can provide you with an invoice for your stay, so please contact them directly.



I can't find my confirmation email. What should I do?

Be sure to check your email inbox, spam, and junk folders. If you still can't find your confirmation, go to and we'll resend it to you.


Will I pay the full price for my children?

Additional costs for children, if any, are not included in the reservation price. Please check with the property directly to see if and when you'll pay for your child(ren).



What's the difference between a Double room and a Twin room?

A Double Room has one double bed and a Twin Room has 2 single beds. If a room is called Double/Twin, it can be set up for either type. The property will do its best to accommodate your needs.



I will be arriving outside check-in hours. Can I still check in?

This depends on the property who will do their best to meet your needs but cannot guarantee your request. You can do either of the following:

Request an early or late check-in/check-out

Contact the property



Can I make changes to my booking? I.e, change dates

Yes! You can make changes to your booking from your confirmation email or at Depending on the property's policy, you can do the following:

Change check-in/out times

Change date

Cancel booking

Edit credit card details

Change guest details

Select bed type

Change room type

Add a room

Add a meal

Make a request

Contact the property

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