Hotel - Payment

What payment methods are accepted?

Credit cards are the most widely-accepted payment method for properties listed on, and most of them use credit cards to validate your booking.

In some cases, alternative payment methods such as PayPal etc. are also accepted. There are some exceptions to this, where it may be possible to book with a debit card.

The accepted payment types for your accommodation will be listed in your booking confirmation. You can also call them to confirm what they accept.



Can I pay with a deposit or prepayment?

Some of our properties require a prepayment, also known as a deposit, before you stay. This prepayment can be up to the total cost of the booking, or just part of it. The rest is then paid when you stay at the property.

However, for some properties, there is no deposit required, and you’ll pay the amount in full when you stay at the property. It’s best to check the payment policies in your confirmation for more details.



I’ve been charged. Do I need to do anything?

In most cases, no action is required from you. As outlined in the payment policy for your booking, this is likely just a prepayment for all or part of the total cost.

If there is no prepayment policy, then the property may have taken a test payment from your card. This is a temporary hold, that’s used to guarantee your booking and will be returned to you.

If you still feel the charge is unexpected, you can contact us for assistance. We can only contact the property on your behalf after you have submitted proof of charge.




Where can I see the payment policy for my booking?

You can find the payment policy in your booking confirmation, in the pricing section. This section also includes a price breakdown, and the accepted payment methods.



Why do I need to provide my card details?

Properties normally request this to guarantee your booking, and the card is often used to pay when you book. If you don’t need to make a prepayment, then they may hold an amount on your card to ensure it has sufficient funds. This test payment will be returned to you.



Can I pay for my stay with a different credit card than the one used to book?

Very likely, yes. Properties usually accept payment for the stay with a different card or cash. To confirm that paying with a different credit card is okay, contact the property.



Why do I need to provide my credit card details?

Properties request this to confirm your reservation. You may be pre-authorized* to ensure that your credit card is valid and has sufficient funds, or in some cases, your details are used to pay for your stay when you book.

*A pre-authorization is a temporary hold on an amount to ensure your card is valid and has sufficient funds. The amount held will be returned to your account after a certain period of time, which depends upon the property and your card provider.





Who is going to charge my credit card, and when?


Generally, the property is responsible for charging your card. If payment is instead handled by, this will be stated clearly in your booking confirmation.

You can commonly expect to pay upon check-in or check-out at the property. However, there are some exceptions, such as those properties that require a prepayment for all or some of the total amount. Again, this will be stated clearly in your confirmation and payment policies.

If there is no prepayment policy, it’s also possible that the property may take a test payment from your card before your stay. This is a temporary hold, that’s used to validate your card and guarantee your booking. Unlike a real charge, this test payment will be returned to your card.

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