Property Policies

I want to check out after the stated check-out time. What should I do?

You can ask the property about arranging a late check-out when you get there. Just be aware that it depends on what's available at the time of your stay.



What are the check-in and check-out times of a property?

Check-in and check-out times differ for each property. You can find them in the "House Rules" section on the property page when you make a booking. If you've already made a booking, you can see check-in and check-out times in your confirmation email and when you log into your account.



How do I get more information about the facilities available?

You can see which facilities are included with a booking when comparing different options offered by a particular property. To see which facilities are available at the property itself, go to "Facilities" at the top of the property page.



I want a smoking room however I can only choose a non-smoking room. How can I request a smoking room?

If there are no smoking rooms listed it means that the hotel does not allow smoking in rooms.



How do I find out if a property allows pets?

Pet policies are always displayed on the property’s page under "House rules".


I will be arriving earlier/later than the stated check-in time. Can I still check in?

You can request an early/late check-in in several ways:

You can specify your intended check-in time while making the reservation.

You can manage your booking online to request a check-in time outside of the standard hours.

You can contact the property directly, using the contact details found in your booking confirmation.

Please note that the property cannot always accommodate this request; they will be happy to let you have your room early if there is availability, but there may be nobody to welcome you if you arrive late at night at a remote apartment. It's always best to check with the property directly in this case, to avoid any disappointment.

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