Yalova Tour from Istanbul

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10 Hours

Tour Type

City trips




About this tour

  • A visit to the Yalova Thermal Hot Springs to rejuvenate your senses
  • Tour of the beautiful cascading Yalova waterfalls
  • A big spread of a scrumptious lunch

Yalova Tour from Istanbul allows you to see all the natural beauties of the city, so you can relax and relieve your stress. Although it is not known, there are many natural riches in the region.

If you want to have a minor holiday, if you want to leave the tiredness of the cities aside, our Yalova tour offers you the opportunities you are looking for. You can see many places from hot springs to waterfalls on tour, which takes 13 hours. If you want to participate, you can make a reservation.

The daily Yalova tour is carried out with a group of 15 people. You can attend alone or with your loved ones and relax. Since our teams are fluent in Arabic, English, and Russian languages, you can get information about the places you visit and ask any questions.


Yalova Tour from Istanbul Route

Those who want to join the Yalova Tour from the Istanbul tour will be picked up from their hotel by the driver between 08:00 and 08:30. Afterward, we go to the contamination point and depart to Yolova.

When coming here, Yalova thermal springs are visited first. Since there is a break here, you can relax by entering the hot spring and leave here younger and rested.

After the spa visit is completed, we go to the waterfalls. This location, which has a unique view of the forest, welcomes the guests in all its glory.

While you are at the waterfall, you can try the local delicacies here and examine the Turkish cuisine. Lunch is also served here.

When the time allotted for the waterfall is reached, the return to Istanbul begins. All guests are dropped back at their hotels. If you have questions about tour routes and times, you can contact our tour at any time.

Are Private Tours Available

Yalova Tour from Istanbul is a tour with groups of 15 people. However, if you want it to be more special, to have only your loved ones, you can contact us.

Most of our tours can be offered privately. If you contact us, you can get detailed information about the subject. There is no difference between group and private tours regarding locations and services. The places visited, and the facilities offered are the same, only a number of differences occur. Private tours are just for you.


Hotel pick up & drop off (centrally located hotels)
Transportation in air-conditioned vehicles
Lunch with one soft drink
Professional English-speaking tour guide
Entrance fees
Items of a personal nature
Gratuities (optional) to the guide and driver


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