Hotel - Pricing

Is breakfast included in the price?

Each room or accommodation that you can book has its own breakfast policy. If breakfast is included, you will see it listed on the property page when you compare different options to book. If breakfast isn’t included, you can see if the property provides it by checking the available facilities. After you book, this information can also be found in your confirmation email, and you can see it when you view your bookings in your account.


What does the price include?

All the facilities listed under the room or accommodation type are included in the price. You can also see if other things like breakfast, taxes, or service charges are included when you compare different options to book. After you book, this information can also be found in your confirmation email, and you can see it when you view your bookings in your account.


Are the prices shown on per person or per room?

The price we show is for the room for the entire length of the stay unless otherwise stated in the room type and description.


Are taxes included in the price?

This depends on the property and accommodation type, but it’s easy to see what’s included when you compare different options to book. Tax requirements change from country to country so it’s always good to check. After you book, this information can also be found in your confirmation email, and you can see it when you view your bookings in your account.


Do I pay a reservation fee to

No, we do not charge any fees at all.



What does the crossed-out rate mean next to my room type?

In the event of a crossed-out rate, we look at the prices currently being charged by the hotel in the 30-day window around your proposed check-in date. From the prices within this window, we display the third-highest price on offer as the crossed-out rate. To ensure we are making a fair comparison, we always use the same booking conditions (meal plan, cancellation policy, and room type). This means that you get the same room for a lower price compared to other check-in dates at the same time of year.



Can I use discount vouchers (e.g. issued by magazines, shops, etc.)?

Does offer any special consideration discounts or discounts with airline or hotel loyalty cards?

You cannot use the vouchers when booking on our website. You will have to follow the procedures described by the organization issuing the voucher.


Does offer any special consideration discounts or discounts with airline or hotel loyalty cards? provides the best available rates for the dates of your stay. It is not possible to have any further reductions in the price.




Do I pay the full price for my child?

You can find information about a property's children's policy in the “House Rules” on the property page when you book.

Added costs for children, if any, are not included in the reservation price.

When you make a booking, you can request an extra bed or cot for a child in the “Special Requests” box.

If you’ve already made a booking, you can always request an extra bed or cot via the link provided in the booking confirmation email.

We recommend contacting the property before you arrive to make sure they have an extra bed or cot available. You can find their contact details in the confirmation email and when you view your bookings in your account.

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